No, you don't deserve more money

This one will piss you off.

You don’t deserve more money.

Whatever you have to your name right now, is exactly the correct amount.

The money you possess is a reflection of your decision making skills.

Just to clarify, I’m not talking to the starving cobalt miner in the Congo or the homeless man camped outside of the subway station in your town.

I am speaking to you. You,

1) Are an adult

2) Speak English

3) Own the technology required to be connected to the internet

4) Made a conscious decision to sign up for this newsletter

5) Have enough time of day to read this


I am only speaking to you.

Whether your bank account is in the negatives, clinging on to a couple bucks, or has more than you know what to do with, that’s the number you deserve

...right now. (more on that below)

Like I said, your current circumstance is a reflection of the decisions you made in the past.

  • You decided to take that risk that failed and cost you all your cash.

  • You decided to have fun when you could have been working towards your goals.

  • You chose your group of friends, you chose to stay.

  • You decided to be timid and give up when it got tough.

  • You decided to allow the opinion of others to stop you.

  • You are making daily decisions that are keeping you at the same income level.

  • You decided to get that job, sign that mortgage, marry that wife and bring on all those responsibilities that now have you stuck.

The fact is, whatever your circumstances are, you decided it would dictate your life. far.

Like I alluded to above, everything in the present is a product of choices made in the past.

You can’t change what was written, the ink is dry.

But humor me for a moment...

If the actions taken in the past dictate the present, AND if you are truly in control of your actions, then that means the actions you take right now will shape your future.

I think that’s a reasonable conclusion, do you?

Good. what?

Well congratulations, you have accepted there is a problem AND that you are the root of the problem.

This is the beginning of you changing your money story (a topic I will cover in depth later).

For now, the best thing you can do is take account of the choices you made in the past that have you in your current predicament.

What can you do differently?

Or maybe a more exciting question,

What could happen if you chose to start acting differently?

- Vessal