how i’m beating procrastination (and the secret weapon stopping you)

procrastination and avoidance are my vices, and i am an addict. 

but i suppose the first step to sobriety is acceptance.  

what exactly is procrastination and where does it come from? 

one definition that i really like is from steven pressfield who wrote the war of art

he says that procrastination is actually a symptom of an internal force he calls “resistance”, this intangible force that feeds on your fears and insecurities. 

it stops you from living the life you want, steering you away from meaningful pursuits and into empty, unfulfilling actions:

procrastination, busy work, picking fights, or craving attention, these are just a few of the ways resistance shows up.

on top of procrastination, 

i’d create drama, chase attention, or make myself feel bad just to feel something. 

i’d avoid taking risks, convincing myself with “logical” excuses. 

instead of asking out the girl i wanted, i’d settle for the girl i could get.

i’d distract myself with pointless activities, wasting opportunities i had the power to seize.

according to steven pressfield, these are all resistance’s way of defeating us in life. 

no other person, drug or seminar will beat resistance, only YOU can.

here is exactly how i plan on defeating mine:

step 1: cutting out the noise

i’m starting with my biggest time vice: youtube. i’m not cutting it out all at once because, let’s be real, i’ve tried that before. 

going cold turkey led to withdrawals, and within days, i was back on it. 

so this time, it’s gradual. i’m limiting my time spent on youtube and will eventually remove it entirely from my phone.

that alone will open up so much time. 

step 2: starting my mornings with work

for years, i’ve eased into my mornings, coffee in hand, reflecting on life, taking it slow. 

it worked for a while and felt like a peaceful way to start the day. 

but here’s the truth: it also became an excuse.

instead of “relaxing,” i was procrastinating. 

so for the next 30 days, i’m flipping the script. my mornings are now for work. no reflecting, no easing in, just diving straight into what matters, and only for 1 hour, no matter where i am or what is going on.

for example, i am currently on vacation with my family in Maui, but i’m writing this for you guys. 

step 3: focusing on the hard stuff

i’m tackling the work that scares me, 

the projects i’ve been avoiding because they seem hard or intimidating. 

these are the things that push me out of my comfort zone, and i know they’re the ones that matter most. 

what exactly is that work? i’m not ready to tell you just yet. let’s just say you’ll have to keep tuning in to find out.

what this means for you

this isn’t just about me. i think everything i’ve shared applies no matter who you are, how old you are, or where you are in life. 

whether you’re building a business, working a regular job, or just trying to grow as a person, chances are you’ve left something important on the back burner. 

the question is: how long are you going to keep it there?

if any of this resonates with you, i want to know: what are you avoiding? what’s the resistance you’re fighting? and most importantly, how do you plan to overcome it? reply and let me know, I’d love to hear what you’re working on.

no excuses, no victimhood, no feeling sorry for yourself.

it’s no one else, it’s you vs you. 

till next time,