give yourself the permission to be a beginner

in life and in business

you would be surprised by the many talents hidden within you,

if you gave yourself the permission to be a beginner.

i wrestle with this all the time, 

i grew up being decent at most things, not everything but most things. 

I was never stellar in anything and i was never a specialist. 

my art projects were great, but there were always a few kids who were so much better than me. 

i was decent at math, but i never got an A grade, best i got was a B. 

what i was good at was talking, 

giving classroom presentations and speaking in front of people in general. 

but that came naturally to me that i didn’t think much of. (though later it became an invaluable skill for sales and recruitment).

i struggled a lot in my college classes, i put lots of effort and pressure into myself to get perfect grades, but i could just never get the straight As that a few of my colleagues managed. 

but one differentiating thing about me was the diversity of things i had tried. 

by 25 years old i had:
- starred in over 70 theatrical productions

- graduating with a Biochemistry and Physiology degree

- worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor 

- started an ecom small business on Amazon

- obtained my real estate license

- worked at a suicide prevention hotline 

- applied to medical school 

but i only did that because i was never worried about feeling like a beginner and trying new things, 

while my other colleagues preferred to stay in their lane. 

i personally felt like i sucked everytime i started something new, 

and maybe i did suck, but maybe in some cases i was great from the start, 

that detail doesn’t matter. 

my point is, 

i would have never been in the position i am now, 

had i not given myself the permission to be “bad” at business when i was starting out. 

i didn’t know anything, or had any real experience. 

but if i allowed that to prevent me from trying, i never would have had the things i have know, 

and you certainly would not be reading this. 

everything i know today is a result of not knowing anything when i started, 

but the difference was, i actually started. 

hopefully that can be a motivating message for you to start as well. 

give yourself the permission to be a beginner, so one day you can be the expert. 
